Coffee has the ability to influence culture. It drives business, fosters community, and brings people together from far and wide to experience something that, if done well, will cause anyone to pause and appreciate life a little more. Less is more is a popular saying, and it applies to the coffee process. Less hands to pass between. Less time in the roaster. Less days before consumption. At Honest Coffee Roasters we like less where it matters and more where it is necessary Less oppression. Less division. More equality. More unity. More coffee that does as much good as it tastes. This means we pay our farmers a premium for their hard work and fine coffees. We travel to our farms and talk face-to-face with the men and women who make our company great. We believe that every day things like coffee can make changes that ripple through our neighborhoods and world.

Franklin, Tennessee wasn't exactly Coffee Town, USA. Quite the contrary. Presidents were traveling to Nashville to drink coffee at the heralded Maxwell House Hotel, while Franklin had nothing but moonshine and marshmallow.
So, James saddled his horse, hitched his buggy (in reverse order of course), and took the 3-day journey up to Nashville in search of coffee.
And coffee he found! But not just coffee. James brought back flour, sugar, rice, and other commodities with which to stock his humble general store.
Over 100 years later, the great-great-grandson of James Green has the same dream to bring high quality, ethically sourced & freshly roasted coffee to the same thriving suburb of Nashville.
This dream is being realized in the form of Honest Coffee Roasters, Williamson County's first specialty coffee roasting company.
Green's Grocery can still be found in Historic Leiper's Fork, on the southern edge of Franklin, TN.